Thursday, April 28, 2011

I can't do it....

I can't keep the house super clean at all times

I can't answer my phone every time it rings

I can't call people back when they want me to

I can't keep on top of the ever growing mountains of laundry

I can't promise that the dishes will be done

I can't deny that my house sometimes smells like dirty diapers

I can't dust my house every day

I can't keep every one happy

I can't stop myself from having a bad day

I can't put more focus on my house than my kids

I can't clean all day

I can't do it all alone

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Baby Food

I decided with Oliver that I would make his baby food. I did buy some stuff from the store and he didn't seem to fond of it. I made some foods for Jamie, but wanted to do more this time. I figured, I make food for the rest of us, why not for Oliver? I had a few people ask me why I would do that because they thought it would be harder. It really isn't that bad at all. I got a cool cookbook from Amazon....and just ordered another one :).....and things have been going well. Oliver loves the food I make. He didn't want to eat the carrots from the store, but last week I made some fresh ones for him and he couldn't get enough of them! Things I have made so far are: carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, peas, sweet potatoes with peas, and sweet potatoes with broccoli. I will be making some more things later in the week. I got some fruit also so he can get a variety of things. His favorite fruit is mashed bananas. He is just like his brother, can't get enough of them! I'm also hoping to get some foods made with meat in them soon. It is also getting warmer here which means I will be able to get more frutis soon. I wish I had some pictures of my creations! Maybe once I fill the freezer up again, I will take a picture of that. Side note, Oliver got his 6 month pictures and they are adorable!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2 Months

Ahhh....gotta love babies! Both of my babies are sleeping right now :) I do love that they enjoy their sleep. This precious babe is Oliver. This handsome man is Jamie. Please don't mind the picture. The camera we had at the time had a busted flash and it wouldn't take decent pictures. I love my little men. Even during those moments when they are bugging me like mad :)