Sunday, August 18, 2013

Here I am :)

I have got to say, I sometimes don't miss my computer.  But, I am hoping to get it fixed soon, life has just been crazy!  Jamie started kindergarten a couple of weeks ago.  He is going to a year round school and they start the beginning of August.  I was nervous about how he would do.  We had no tears and no sad faces!  He just loves school.  He is learning so much and has a lot of fun.  Oliver will be starting three year old preschool in a few weeks.  I am not big on sending kids to years of preschool, but I'm not sure if he will have any issues due to his sensory processing disorder.  I would rather deal with possible problems now then maybe have issues next year when he has to go.  Oliver is very excited to go, I just hope that excitement stays when he actually starts.  He even got a Mickey Mouse backpack :)  It will be weird having both boys gone at school.  At least Oliver only goes for 2 1/2 hours, twice a week.  Flynn is growing like a weed!  He is such a good baby.  I have really been blessed with easy going babies.  He is trying so hard to roll from his back to belly and we have started on eating rice cereal.  We have to work a little more on the eating :)  He is almost 4 months old and takes 6 ounce bottles and usually an 8 ounce bottle before bed.  His 6 month sleepers are getting snug and won't last for much longer, he is pretty long.  Things have been going pretty good with three kids.  I think it has been much easier adding a third, then adding a second.  Well, I would love to chat more, but we need to get the kiddos home and get to bed, we have school in the morning!