Friday, April 5, 2013

Where have you been?!

So, I have been gone for a while!  My computer screen finally died and a new one isn't in the cards right now :(  So then we cancelled the internet because we wanted to switch anyway and can't use it right now.  Now, I have been having pregnancy issues.  I have been really tired this whole pregnancy and have problems sleeping.  I know that I have been over-doing it because Flynn's movements will slow down and I have needed a NST.  Then, Saturday night, things went downhill.  I had to work that morning and told them that I wasn't feeling good and that it was hard to catch my breath.  I was told I was couldn't go home and I even ended up working an hour later.  After the boys went to bed, I started to pack their Easter baskets and get things ready for the morning.  The next thing I remember, I am in the ER, gown on, IVs in both arms, feeling like crap, not knowing what in the world happened.  Eric told me he found me on Jamie's little chair (he was outside putting toys away).  I guess I wasn't breathing and was drooling.  He got me to come around and said that I was really out of it.  He called 911 and I wasn't answering questions correctly.  Luckily, a neighbor saw the lights by our house and knew that we had little boys and headed over.  She was able to stay until my sister got there.  The doctor figured I had a seizure, but didn't fit any of the other criteria for eclampsia (which is good), but they transferred me to the big hospital in Grand Rapids in case Flynn needed to be born, since I was only 34 weeks.  Flynn did awesome during everything!  His movements never slowed down and his heart rate did what it was suppose to.  They ran all kinds of tests and everything came back clear.  This is good but also frustrating because it makes it harder to pinpoint the reason for the seizure.  They think it is because I am so tired and try to do too much.  They are also thinking that my blood may be pooling in my legs and not moving like it is suppose to, causing a drop in blood pressure.  I had to get some of those lovely thigh high compression socks to wear :)  I got to come home Monday night, but have to take it easy.  Oh, they also did an ultra sound to make sure things were good inside and everything is!  I even got a cool 4D picture of him and he is a chunker and looks like Oliver!  He is already weighing in at almost 7 pounds!  Oh my :)  The big thing, I am not allowed to driver for 6 months!  I really hate asking for help and that is something we need to do a lot now.  I am not dealing with all of this very well.  I am so nervous that it will happen again.  I have to work tomorrow morning and I'm not looking forward to that.  I am just ready to have this baby and not have to worry about anything happening.  Eric's mom has been a huge help.  She is coming over tomorrow to help Eric put things away.  Our house has gotten cluttered because I was putting too much on my plate.  It really bothers me because things just need to be put away.  Hopefully after a couple of days, things will look better :)  I did manage to wash the baby clothes, although I think we will need bigger clothes!  So, right now I am trying to relax.  I am at my sister's now because I needed out of my house.  My arms are covered in bruises from the IVs and blood draws.  I have a huge bruise on my thigh from when I fell, my knee is a little tender and I have tender spots on my belly.  I also bit both sides of my tongue when I fell.  Both the boys had fevers yesterday.  They are much better today.  I am thinking it was because they were gone for a couple of days, not knowing what was going on.  Jamie told me today that he is happy that I am feeling better!  So, that is my little update for now.  I am hoping that I can relax and that Flynn will be born soon :)