Thursday, January 31, 2013


Why is picking a school for kindergarten so hard?!  We have plenty of public elementary schools we could send Jamie to, but I want something different.  I want something that will push him and not let him fall in the cracks.  When I say we have plenty of schools, I mean it.  There are at least 5 elementary schools in our little town!  That is a lot, and the class sizes aren't very small.  We were looking at the local charter school and sent in an application.  We don't find out til March if he gets in or not.  If he is put on the waiting list, there is still a pretty good chance that he would get in.  The five schools I mentioned, do not include the charter school or the two year round based schools!  Anyway, I was reading up on one of the year round based schools that is part of the public school and not a charter school.  I really like the charter school, but we are starting to think that the year round school might be a better fit.  Since they are part of the public school system, this school has buses, if he wants to play sports later he can just go across the street to the school there and play on their teams.  I'm not a huge fan of the year round school thing.  I guess they have the same public school schedule during the year with a few extra weeks off and then limited school during the summer.  The hubby thinks that a year round thing might be what Jamie needs and would keep his attention and focus.  This school also does mixed grades.  So with kindergarten, he would also have classes with 1st and 2nd graders.  I am so confused on what to do.  Jamie's birthday is at the end of September and according to MI law, the cut-off to turn 5 is November 1.  His preschool teachers are recommending preschool again or young-5's.  On his assessment, he was ready in every area except his birthday.  This really bothers me.  I don't want him to get bored and I don't want him to struggle.  He will either be the youngest or oldest in his class and will hate either one.  We are thinking that maybe being with other grades, might be beneficial.  I am waiting to hear back from the school.  I want to set up a tour and ask all of my questions! 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Computer Issues

Computers are greats, aren't they?!  I have gone through a few chargers in the 5 years or so that I have had my computer.  I had that same issue last week, but some how got it working again.  I am hoping that it stays working, I have a ton of pictures I need to get on the computer! 

I am very tired today.  Jamie decided that 7:30 was a perfect time to get up this morning!  This kid usually sleeps til at least 9, if not later!  Oliver was up shortly after that.  Needless to say, today is a nap day.  I also have to work for a few hours today and would very much love a nap before work.  Things have been kind of crazy around here.  Last week, we got a ton of snow.  We actually got Oliver to play in the snow!  He has been having some issues with even walking in the snow.  It took him a little bit, but he eventually started throwing snow at me and sliding down a "mountain."  Then, yesterday it started pouring!  It rained so hard last night, it was insane.  It is almost 60 degrees here today and most of the snow is gone.  It will be getting nice and cold again and more snow.  I also had to go to the hospital last week to make sure I wasn't having real contractions.  Turns out I have another bladder infection and that is causing braxton hicks.  His heart rate was excellent during the whole test and who was moving non-stop.  The nurses were surprised at how good of a reading they got on him for only being 25 weeks.  I'm glad nothing was wrong, but not a fan of these darn bladder infections.  I didn't even have any of the normal symptoms like I usually do.  Oh well, at least things are good with Flynn :)

I have more to chat about, but it is almost time to pick Jamie up from school.  Oh, as I have mentioned before, I have started selling 31.  I am trying to make some extra money in hopes of not having to work so much!  I am doing an online show right now.  I will put the link here if anyone is interested.  I know that some readers may be out of staters, but you can have the stuff shipped to your house.  I will be closing the show on Thursday night, the 31st.  The special this month is for every $31 you spend, you can get any home organization item for half off!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Pregnancy Woes

I really wish that I could be one of those women who love being pregnant and enjoy every minute, I really do!  Truth is, I'm not a fan of being pregnant.  Obviously I love my little guys and I still want more :)  I really could have done without the throwing up this time around.  Now, for the past few days, I have had constant belly pain.  I thought it was round ligament pain, but this doesn't go away.  I saw my doctor and she said it could be a mixture of ligament pain, scare tissue breaking, and the fact that the new little man likes to sit nice and low.  Because he likes to sit low, he is kicking all the sore parts!  I ordered a belly support thing which should be here any time, and hopefully that helps.  I'm not suppose to be lifting a whole lot, including the boys, just to give those muscles and what not to heal up.  Eric is trying his hardest to help more around the house.  I can do some things, but then the pain gets worse, so I have to space things out.  I just can't wait for baby Flynn to arrive :)  It is funny though, because as soon as he is born, I will forget about everything and want another baby!  We really want a girl, so we will have to work on that.  We only have like 16, that sounds too long!  Unless, he is big, it could be sooner.  I'm almost to my third trimester and I've been getting some energy back.  Luckily, here in Michigan, we don't have any snow yet so I haven't had to worry about falling!  Jamie really wants snow to play in, but I really do worry about falling.  I am trying to stay positive about things.  I have this precious little man growing inside of me, moving like crazy, growing like crazy.  I may have my issues when I'm pregnant, but the outcome is totally worth it! 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Oh Boy, Oh Boy

We had our big ultrasound today.  I was suppose to have it yesterday, but my doctor was out of the office.  This meant that I got to have it done at the hospital which meant a full bladder.  This was very uncomfortable!  The baby hates being pushed on, so that meant I was being kicked in my bladder.  The lovely technician informed us that we will be having another boy :)  I'm not going to lie, I really wanted a girl, but we know boys :)  Jamie wasn't very happy about the news.  He keeps telling us we have enough boys for right now, he is a very thoughtful little man.  I told him that mommy and daddy will have more babies and he still has a chance of getting his sister.  He has now moved onto to the next baby!  It is starting to sink in that we will have three boys!  Our house is already crazy.  It will be interesting, that is for sure.  But, like I said, we know boys.  Everything looks good with the new little man.  His feet look massive!  I am prepared for a big boy.  It will be fun to see all the boys together and see how they interact.  Oh, I haven't forgotten about the pictures.  I can't find my camera cord!  It is really bugging me because I always put it back in the case.  I'm hoping to find it soon :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas words

I have a ton of cute pictures, but need to get them on the computer still.  So, here is our Christmas in words :)

My dad and youngest brother came here for Christmas this year.  This was the first Christmas since my grandpa passed away, so I think it was good for my dad to get away.  Plus, the boys love having him around.  The boys had a blast with grandpa and their uncle! When we were putting the presents under the tree, I got to thinking that there were a lot of presents :)  The hubby and I agree that we would rather the boys have a lot of presents under the tree that were pretty cheap compared to one or two expensive things.  The majority of what I found was under $10, heck, most were cheaper than that!  I love watching their faces as they are opening their gifts.  They don't care or know that the pack of farm animals they got was $3.  My kids do not need the newest, best, most expensive things out there.  Anyway....that is a whole other post right there!  We had a good Christmas.  We didn't have snow, which is a bit strange for Michigan, but it was cold.  My dad left on Thursday and then we had a busy weekend.  Thursday night, Oliver came down with a fever and cough, but was find in the morning.  That same night, Eric got a fever.  His fever was gone on Friday and seemed to be doing better.  We had a Christmas party that night also.  Then, in the middle of night, his fever came back.  He had a 103 temp all that night and most of Saturday.  I had to work in the morning and then hurry home and get ready for another Christmas party, this time without Eric.  His fever finally broke that afternoon.  That meant he was able to go to our last Christmas party on Sunday.  Thankfully, the rest of us have been feeling good, minus the sinus infection that I am getting over.  We have been sanitizing the house now...haha!  Now, we are trying to get the house back in order.  I am one of those people that does not believe in taking down all the Christmas stuff the day after.  People decorate earlier every year and then complain about it.  I love having all the lights and things in the house.  We are taking down the real tree this weekend.  Some of the strands of lights are going out anyway.  We will move the fake tree into the living room and leave everything up for a bit yet.  One of my other brothers and his girlfriend are coming next week and they will have presents for the boys so we want it to feel like Christmas in here yet.  I tried getting some things cleaned up today, but those silly boys were right behind me messing things up!  Oh well, maybe I should work on those pictures :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I promise I will do a Christmas recap soon :)

I have been feeling stuck lately.  I took Oliver to the doctor last week because he had a nice croup cough and a 102 fever....out of nowhere!  His fever was gone in the morning and he really wasn't coughing, but I took him in anyway.  I don't like to mess with his cough.  Everything sounded and looked fine.  Which is good news, but doesn't explain the darn cough.  He is up to 30 pounds though!  He has gained almost 2 pounds in the past month.  He has never gained that much weight in a single month, ever!  His fever never came back, but his cough has.  The past couple of nights have been horrible.  He coughs a little during the day, but nighttime is the worst.  He had his Pulmicort before bed and then needed the rescue medicine a couple of hours later and he still woke up coughing super hard 2 more times after that!  He has two pillow pets and we stack them up and so his head is propped up.  I just wish we had an answer as to why this keeps happening.  He can get this cough and no one else will.  Even now, he is the only one coughing.  I have a feeling that maybe his asthma isn't completely under control.  I know he doesn't have allergies because he doesn't always have a runny nose with the cough.  And, I think if it was something in the house, then he would be having a lot more problems.  I'm going to give him a breathing treatment in the morning and see how things go during the day.  I want to see how things go for a few days with having the breathing treatments throughout the day.  I want him to feel better.  Then, people don't want him around their kids because they think he is going to get them sick.  It does irritate me because I know that he isn't sick.  We already have to see a GI specialist, I don't want to add another one if I can help it.  Anyone have any suggestions?  We will see how the rest of the week goes.  If having the medicine throughout the day helps, then I will have to call the doc and get some answers.  We have an excellent doctor and I think he is getting a little frustrated with it also.  He doesn't act sick, his lungs sound fine...grrr!  Anyway, just wanted to get that out there.  Now, it is time to think about my Christmas post :)