Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Water Play

How about some water play for Oliver?!  That is right, Oliver!  Now, it is nothing huge, but he is getting there!  In therapy last week, he went right over to the water table.  He doesn't stick his hand in the water but touches things that his therapist brings out.  I was washing my hands the other day and he was watching me, as he usually does, and put his hand up and said "me!"  I touched one of his hands with my wet hand and then he wiped it off, just like mommy.  Then he wanted to do it with daddy and made him go in the kitchen and wash his hands.  Later that day I put a little water in a bowl and gave Oliver some blocks to play with.  He put the blocks in and would take them out.  He wasn't a huge fan when the water touched his hand, but we have been teaching him to "shake it off" and that has been helping.  I'm glad that we are seeing improvement in this area.  Now, if we could only get the food thing under control!  He is on the waiting list for speech therapy.  I will post more on Friday after his appointment :)