Monday, June 18, 2012

At a Loss

I am at a loss, a loss for feelings, for words...ok, maybe not words.  There is a whole lot of drama going on in my family.  Drama that I won't go into detail about because I will not blast all that on the internet.  We all have drama but this sucks!  I hate it when people change into someone completely different.  I guess what is worse, is that you can't say anything because if you do, you are the bad person.  But talking doesn't always help.  Sometimes it makes people angry or causes them to make silly threats, or act very immature.  People can talk about me, but when people start dragging my kids into things and saying mean things about out for this momma bear!  My kids are my life and I'm not going to let things like that happen them, especially at their tender ages.  Some of this I can't fix, I can't talk anymore, they need to figure things out on their own and hopefully that happens soon.  The way I see it, the Big Man upstairs sees all, knows all, and these people have to face that some day.  I need to put it in his hands.  My prayer list is getting larger.  All I can do right now is pray and hope that things will get better.  But like I said, we all have problems, so my prayers will be for anyone having those issues.  Anyway, enough of that!  Now, it is time to sleep....and think of a much more happier post for tomorrow :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Feeling a little down

Have you ever had those days before?  You know, the kids are being a handful, the house isn't very clean, you haven't started supper, you didn't take a shower?!  The joys of being a mom I guess :)  I have been having some issues with the way I look lately.  I don't want to sound full of myself or vain, I know that have had 2 kids.  But, I'm not liking my belly area, especially by the end of the day and I look pregnant....if I don't suck it all in.  I gained 50 pounds with both boys and lost it all.  I had a job last year (that I absolutely hated) and it involved a lot of walking, lifting, moving, and I was loosing weight and liking it.  Now, I think I have gained a few clothes still fit the same, but it is just that stupid belly area.  Then, I always say that I'm going to work-out, do something about it.  I got Zumba for the Wii and was doing that for a little bit, but then, of course fell off of that.  I feel so self conscience about how I look.  I know that is stupid and I shouldn't feel like that.  The hubby tells me that I look good, or hot, and I tell him he has to say that :)  You know what sucks though?  I am thinking about food right now and how I want to eat something!  I'm going to do Zumba tonight and keep doing it.  So I can eat something, right?!  Now that it is getting to be summer here in Michigan (we've had some crazy weather the past few months), I will be taking walks with the boys a lot!  I always put Oliver in the Ergo carrier also, weight resistance, right!  This post isn't suppose to make you feel sorry for me.  I just want to get my feelings out.  And I know that there are probably other moms who think the same thing.