Monday, August 30, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Eric ran his first 5K on Saturday and did great! He ran it in only 25 min. and 37 seconds! That is the faster than any time while he was training. He is going to keep running and do another 5K in our town on October 2. That day I will be watching the race with 2 little boys....crazy! I had a doc. appointment last week and things are looking good. I asked the doctor if he could guess the weight. He was feeling around and asked if I really wanted to know! Oh man. He asked how big the first one was and I said 8 pounds, 10 ounces and he said if Oliver goes full term he will be at least 9 pounds....holy man! I thought he was going to be smaller because he started off that way...haha! How do you prepare yourself for a monster baby?! I am already scared out of my mind to do the whole thing again and now there is a posibility that he will be even bigger than the first. I keep hoping that he will come early, but with my luck, he will go to the exact due date. It is hot and humid here again. Gotta love 90 degree weather and humidity when you are 9 months pregnant! We will definately be spending some time in the pool. I got a killer cramp in my calf muscle yesterday morning. It was bad! It died down a little bit only to come back again. It is still sore and hard to walk on it. Man, I really hate those cramps. Hopefully being in the pool will help. The tree in front of my house is turning color already! Our road was re-done last summer and new trees were planted. We got a Maple and Flowering Pear tree...which I love! The top half of the maple is a pretty red color right now. A little depressing though. I like having cooler weather, sweat shirt weather, but I do not like really cold weather, or snow...yeah, I'm picky. Jamie was playing last night and I can't believe how fast he is growing :( I'm glad to have a new baby soon, but I know he will grow just as fast as Jamie. Jamie is learning so many new words, making 2 and 3 word sentences, in his terrible 2's for sure, and always keeps us on our toes. It is fun to teach him new words because he really focuses on my mouth and tries his hardest to repeat the word. I went to our local Carter's store over the weekend for their huge sale...I will post more about that later...and got the boys some new clothes. Not like Oliver really needs any because he will be born the same time Jamie was. I got them a few matching shirts...I know, they will hate me, but they will look so adorable :) I got Jamie some 4T things to last throughout the winter and spring, thinking they looked pretty big. I was in for a surprise when I tried them on him! He has some room to grow, but they weren't huge like I thought they would be. I got him some winter pjs and the pants were a bit long. He has a long torsoe (that is totally not the correct spelling, sorry!) half...and his legs are a bit short. Well, they really aren't short, they are still long for his age, but his top half is longer....something he gets from me. He will be 2 a month from today and wears 3T and 4T things and his shoe size is 8! He also has long arms and is growing out of some of his long sleeve 3T shirts. I will have to do a post just about him, since I just love talking about him! Well, it is 9:15am and the little man is still sleeping....along with the big man. I need some least a real one! I had some Keebler fudge stripe cookies, but should probably have something healthy...haha!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Full Term!

I am officially full term and so excited for that! I just really want to meet this little guy. I won't lie though....I am looking forward to these darn pains going away! I had some cramping and those fun pains last night for a few hours. But, I can do this! Haha....think positive right?! I've been getting nervous about things though. I was induced with my first one, so I'm really wondering what will happen with this one. I'm afraid that I will be out grocery shopping with my little man and my water breaks. I'm hoping this one comes on his own. The pains were so bad with being induced. I'm also not looking forward to that whole process. I have to try and not think about it too much!

My sister is coming over today to hang out with Jamie. I'm really hoping to get some stuff done around the house. I just have to remember to pace myself so I'm not paying for it later. It will be nice to have a small break from the little one also. He is hitting his terrible 2's for sure! He has beeen throwing some nice fits and being super attached to us at times. I feel bad for needing a break, but I think it is good for both of us. I think the hardest thing when Oliver is born, is me being away from Jamie. I'm not worried about how he will react to the baby....he loves babies...and I know, we will have our days.

Eric's big 5K is this weekend and I'm getting excited for him. He has been working real hard on his running. It will be a very early day for us, but it will be a fun day. There is another 5K in our town in October that he also wants to do. We talked about gettting some nice, expensive running shoes next year. I want to make sure this is something he really wants to do and with him only doing 2 races this year, it doesn't really make sense to get them now. I think running is something that he will keep doing. It makes me feel like a whimp though because I cannot run! I have such bad knees and asthma that I can't do it. I do like how a lot of the 5K's have walks also, so I will probably do some of those next year. My mother-in-law is also training for a 100 mile bike ride. I'm going to look up different bike rides in Michigan...maybe there are ones that are shorter than 100 miles! I like to ride my bike and it is something that I can do pretty easily with my knee problems. It will be a good way to stay in shape also. Oh, I've also decided to join the Zumba craze after Oliver is born! It looks fun.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I am happy to say that all my jars of tomato sauce have stayed sealed! I am so excited about this! I had exactly enough tomatoes for 6 quarts and 2 pints. I was in the kitchen for a few hours and that took it's toll on me. It was super hot that day and night and so was my kitchen! My feet were so swollen, it was nuts. But, oh well, I got them canned, right!?

On Sunday, my sister had a baby shower for me. I am so thankful for the people that showed up. I wasn't expecting a shower at all since this is my second baby, but my sister thought it would be nice to get some help with the cloth diapers. We got some more to add to our stash, but still need more...haha...that way I don't have to do laundry everday. We aren't starting Oliver on cloth til he is about 1 month anyway, so we have time. I had so much fun at the shower. It was nice to laugh, tell crazy stories, and just hang out for a few hours.

We are finally getting a break from the crazy heat this week. I am so excited about that! It is so nice to turn off the air conditioner and open the windows and feel that nice breeze. Since it is cooler this week, I'm hoping to get more cleaned in the house. It always least in my house...that things get worse before they get better when it comes to cleaning! I want to get things nice and clean before Oliver comes. Then we just have to keep it that way! We also have some yard work to get done. Nothing major, but stuff that needs to be done before it snows :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Baby Update

I had my doc. appoitment yesterday and things are looking good. I am 34 1/2 weeks, but measuring 33 weeks. This is a little strange to me just because I measured so big with my first! I know, don't compare pregnancies because they are different. I also got a note to be off of work, although the doctor wasn't too happy about it. He believes in women working up until their due date. I have no problem with that, but my job is a little different. For one, it is only 4 hours a week, is it really that big of a deal?! I work for a cleaning company and I have to vacuum, sweep, and mop. Not that big a deal to do at home because I don't have a time frame to get it done, I can take breaks at home. At work, I have to have things done in a certain amount of time, it is a lot of twisting, lifting, and bending. I do all that stuff at home, but at my pace. I tried explaining that to my doctor, telling him that I don't sit around....I mean come on, I have an almost 2 year old to chase around! I clean, go grocery shopping, mow the lawn. I also told him how much better I felt last week when I wasn't working, less stress. Oliver's activity has also started to increase....shouldn't that be a reason to stay home?! If I had a desk job, I would most certainly continue working. I then talked to one of the ladies who works in the office and she agreed with me. Everyone is different. Oh well, I'm trying to forget about what he said. He is a good doctor, but lets face it, he is a male! He should also know that I don't just sit around....I am pushing 180 pounds...gasp!!!....but I most certainly do not look like it! I have to stop dwelling on it though, less stress and I need that!

Last Saturday, we went to the farmer's market. I was excited to get 6 huge cumumbers for only $1! I also got two paper shopping bags full of tomatoes to can for only $12. My dad always makes homemade tomato sauce and gives us some, but I wanted to try it on my own also. I did the other year, but didn't have much luck with the jars staying sealed. I'm hoping to have better luck this year. The lady I brought the tomatoes from said I could freeze the sauce it they came unsealed....I did not know that! My sister is coming over to play with Jamie tonight so I can get the tomatoes done. It has been in the 90's and high humidity so I have the tomatoes sitting by the air conditioner...haha!

Finally, I follow this blog and also on Facebook....Mommy and Me Giveways. They are having two sweet giveaways right now that I'm pretty excited about. I'm hoping to win something....I never win anything! Their first one is a Doopsy cloth diaper giveaway. You can check out their website here These diapers are fun, bright colors, have extra absnorbancy, and are a little cheaper than most. We are doing cloth diapering with Oliver and I like trying different kinds. Their second giveaway is for a Little Tikes Spray and Rescue Fire Truck I need to figure out how to put these links in a post with just one word instead of all this other stuff! Anyway, I love this truck! Jamie loves trucks and loves water so I know he would have a blast with it. So, if you are interested in any of these, check them out Alright, I am off to make spaghetti for dinner.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I am trying to stay positive these days, and not just about pregnancy. There are so many things going on and I really don't know what to do, how to handle things. I try to push things aside, but that usually makes things worse. I feel like I'm being judged anytime I complain about being pregnant. I love the end result of pregnancy, but do not enjoy the whole process. It is not easy for me. Last night, I had a breakdown. I just couldn't take the braxton hicks, and then Jamie didn't want to go to bed. He climbed out of bed and proceeded to come downstairs. I think my crying made things worse for him. I called Eric and had him come home from work for a bit just so he could sit with him and put him back to bed. I'm so thankful that his job allows him to do that and that he only works a few miles from home. It kind of irratates me when others talk about how fun their pregnancies are....but then I try to forget about it because it could be worse...I am very thankful that I am able to have children. It really sucks to feel sick all the time, wondering when you are going to throw up, what foods will get you that day. I hate that I don't have much energy these days to play with my little man. I don't even feel like cleaning my house! I know it has to be done, and it is getting there....slowly! People have been on my mind lately....friends, family, why some act the way they do. How much do you try with people before giving up? Like I said, I'm trying to be positive. Things have to get better, right?! It does help to get my feelings out on here...even if it might tick some people off! I plan on posting tomorrow, but with a lighter post, happier! I have a doctor's appoitment in the morning and then we are spending some time in the pool....90 plus weather is not fun! Oh, funny, random fact. We went to see some fireworks on Saturday night and when we got home, my feet were so swollen! My shoes weren't tight and I was sitting most of the time. My socks had circle designs on them and those designs were then on the tops of my feet! Oh, the joys :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Complain, complain

That is what I feel like I do all the time now. I don't want this blog to be me only whinning about things, so I will make this one quick!

Being pregnant is hard for me. It is a wonderful thing, don't get me wrong, but I do not enjoy most of it. I have so many pains, I can't walk or even sit for long periods of time because I feel light headed or dizzy. I have been getting itchy also...not really sure what that is all about. There is usually a couple times a day when I feel itchy everywhere, but no rashes or anything, just strange. Ok, done with that!

I stopped at my doctor's office yesterday to get a note to stop work and the doctor wouldn't sign off on it! My doctor wasn't there and they told me I have to wait til next Thursday when I have my appointment. Shouldn't it be my decision about when I want to stop working? The more I think about it and talk with the hubby, I am agreeing with him on the work situation. I have a hard time getting through work and then come home and deal with contractions for most of the night. I'm going to call work in the morning and explain the deal and I'm sure they will tell me to stay home and just bring the note in next week....well, here's hoping!

This morning, Jamie and I went to see a friend and have a play date with her son. Jamie loves playing with anyone, but this little boy takes a while to warm up to Jamie. He is usually afraid, like Jamie is going to beat him up! I am happy to say that they actually played with each other today! It was really cute and they were both sad when we had to leave. I liked catching up with my friend and seeing her new little baby girl. Oh, we also got Dish Network today! Oh, the little things that excite me. We had Charter, but I was sick of getting screwed by them. Goodbye charter!! I'm also thinking that tomorrow will be a pool day. It is going to be hot and humid again (my next pregnancy will be during the winter!). Jamie loves the pool and mamma likes it also :)

This little man makes me smile. Question.....does anyone have an easy way of putting pics on here? I added it and it put it in the beginning and I had to drag it down. Is that the only way of doing it?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

So, I really need to get back in the swing of blogging and getting on here more. Things have been a little hectic here. I have been having contractions for a couple of weeks now...pretty sure just Braxton Hicks, but they are still annoying. Oliver's activty has been slowing down also. He started off as pretty active and now he is having more and more lazy days. The other night I was up most of the night with lower back pain and contractions and the baby hardly moved at all. I should have called the doctor, but it was like 3AM and the hubby had just gotten home from work and I wanted him to sleep. I did call the office in the morning and had to have a non stress test. Everything was fine....of course! I just have to keep paying attention to things. They also registered some contractions, nothing big and nothing like the night before! I didn't go to work tonight...I only work 4 hours a week...haha! I work for a cleaning company and things have been getting worse for me after work. The hubby doesn't want me to work anymore. I understand where he is coming from, but at the same time I feel lazy and like a baby because I am having such problems. My job isn't hard at all, but I have to do a lot of bending over, twisting....I don't know, it just frustrates me because I don't want people to think I am lazy. I do all that same stuff at home, but I can take breaks and I don't have a time frame to get things done in. I will admit that my cleaning has been slacking here lately! I really am looking forward to being done with this pregnancy. I'm starting to get nervous and scared though. I didn't have a good experience the first time....I will write about that I'm afraid that the same things will happen again. I'm just not looking forward to the whole process! We still haven't really tried putting Jamie on his potty chair yet. I know we need to, but I never seem to remember. We've been working more with the cloth diapers. EcoBuns, the store we get our lovely stuff from, just moved to an actual store front and had a grand opening the other day and we got 2 more diapers. I still put a disposable diaper on for nap time because he usually wakes up with a dirty diaper and the hubby still hasn't hooked up the sprayer to the toliet...haha. Jamie really enjoys the diapers, he gets mad when I don't put one on him. It is a little more work just because I have to do laundry more, but I think it is totally worth it. Jamie's skin also looks better when he wears the cloth diapers. We are going to wait about a month or so with Oliver before we start him on them, just because of how messy those diapers can be! My sister is throwing me a baby shower. She thought it would be nice since we are switching diapers. I'm hoping it turns out nice and we get some more diapers. I don't want that to sound greedy or anything. The diapers are a little pricey, but you save sooo much. Eric has been working a lot. This is nice, but at the same time really sucks. He works second shift and it gets boring at night after Jamie goes to bed. Maybe that is why I keep him up til 8:30 or 9. Some days, Eric works 3-3. He even worked 7 hours on Saturday. I'm happy for all the overtime, we really need it. I'm still looking for a job, hopefully something that has to do with my major. I would be happy with something part time. I go crazy being home all the time. I love my little man, but I really do need a job and get out for a bit. I just keep praying that something will come up. I am excited because I have some more followers! I found a blog that had a Follow Me Friday. I'm looking forward to going through more of the blogs, including my new followers, and following them! Right now, I need to finish up some laundry and some knitting. I can't wait to post again, I have so many ideas.