Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Never Ending

Does it ever seem like your work at home is never done?! I have always thought that, but have really been feeling it lately. I feel like all I do is clean and yet my house never seems clean! But, lets get real here, I have two little boys who love running around, are full of energy, and our house looks like we live here :) My problem is that I have so many things I want to do. I start one thing and then move to another, and then another, and I'm still stuck in the clutter. I am trying really hard to simplify my list. I need to finish a room before moving onto the next. And honestly, I'm not going to be cleaning all day instead of spending time with my boys. I pick up their toys and little messes during the day, but save the big things (like dishes) til after they are in bed. It bothers me when things aren't in their places, or there are dishes on the counter (which happens often) and it really bothers me when I get the whole house looking so nice and then 2 days later, it is a mess again. Now that it is getting so nice out, we will be spending more time outside :) I hope this doesn't sound whiny, I'm just at the point where I can't do everything. Like I said though, simplify...that is what I'm going to try this week. It is now time to put away the mountain of clothes that are sitting on my bed. That, is another bad habit of mine...haha...I leave the clean, folding laundry in baskets. In my next house, we are going to have closets....and not just one small one either. We will say that is my excuse :)

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