Wednesday, May 16, 2012

So Much to Say

Ok, so Blogger changed things around, I'm having some issues with this :)  It is telling me that I'm not following any blogs, but I am.  Oh my, I will have to figure it out later. 

Another thought, why do people have blogs, but never write....haha!  I have so many things going on, things that I want to blog about, but just never do.  Some things, I just won't blog about though. 

I am missing my grandpa like crazy.  Easter was especially hard.  We stayed in Michigan so that was probably better.  We spent every holiday with grandpa....Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, he would always come over and eat with us.  I almost asked my mom if he was coming over for Easter.  Why would I do that?  I finally uploaded the pictures from the last time we saw him.  It took me a while to do that.  I couldn't even look at them on my camera.  I'm so glad that Jamie got to spend some time with him and I know that he will always remember that.  Jamie has a super memory!  I love the fact that Jamie knows great grandpa is in heaven with Jesus and is with great grandma Sadie again :)  He also knows that if he ever gets a sister, her name will be Sadie.

We have been dealing with some sensory issues with Oliver.  We are waiting to hear about getting him in to see an occupational therapist.  We brought up the issues at his 15 month check-up (he is now 20 months).  We had mentioned things in past, but we were told that it was just a stage and that he would get over it.  When there was no change at the next appointment, especially with his fear of water, the doctor said he needed some therapy, mainly for the fear of water.  We got sent to a psychologist, but had to wait almost 3 months before we got in there.  She met with us for an hour and said that he needed an occupational therapist (which is what we were getting) and that we had to go somewhere else.  She diagnosed him with severe separation anxiety, but said that the anxiety is most likely caused by the sensory issues.  I'm a little confused as to why she didn't diagnose him with a sensory disorder.  So, we have been trying to find a place that will see him and takes our insurance.  We have pretty good insurance, but this therapy stuff is strange.  I called one place and they said they could help, but needed a referral.  I did that and then didn't hear anything back.  I called and it sounded like they (the therapy place) never got the paper work.  Now, I was told the first time I talked to them, that they would be able to help him.  I talked to them 2 weeks later and now they weren't sure if they could help.  The lady called back and said that her therapist felt that Oliver was "too specialized" and wouldn't be able to help.  Who says that!?  I found another place that accepted our insurance, but the occupational therapy was not covered.  I was so frustrated at this point!  I was sick of calling people and not getting anywhere.  I want to get him the best help that we can, but therapy is very expensive!  The hubby then called the children's hospital.  We are waiting to hear back from them this week about an appointment.  The first psychologist we saw was really nice really understood what we were going through. She told us about some books to read.  I asked if they would help with Jamie and she said most definitely.  It was like she could see things in Jamie.  The doctor also said that she couldn't officially diagnose it, but said she wouldn't be surprised if Oliver had ADD.  That really got me thinking about Jamie and how the play therapist that he saw just said it was an intelligence thing, that he is just so smart and that was pretty much it.  She said good luck and that things will be hard.  Ok, If Oliver will have ADD, then his brother for sure has it!  I don't care if they do, I would just like to know so we can learn techniques to help them now.  We have been having some issues with Jamie, so he has an appointment tomorrow with his doctor.  I have been feeling like such a horrible parent lately.  The hubby is at work at night, and nights are the hardest.  I yell at the boys and then feel so bad for doing that.  I have been working really hard on that.  Yelling has no effect on Jamie.  He responds much better if you talk calmly to him and explain things.  But oh my, that is so hard to do sometimes. 

Ok, I think this is long enough :)  I say it all the time, but I really want to blog more and I'm really going to try.

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