Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What to write?

I have been thinking a lot lately about what to write. I think about it everyday, but then I get tired, or just don't feel like it. This is sad to me, I really want to write on here more. I have so much on my mind, so many things going on. I think tonight I will just do a quick recap and work on a Christmas post.

I finally quit my job that absoutly hated! I got a job at Panera Bread (the reason for quitting the other job) which is a perfect place for a gluten free person...haha! I am really liking this job. It gets stressful at times and there is still drama, but nothing like my old job. Plus, I get to work with my sister....which has been a good thing so far! I'm still doing the GF thing, although my knee pain has come back, but I still have lots to learn about this. I have been doing more and more research and I'm hoping that after being GF for a few months....without messing up....things will be better. I did have a follow-up with the rhuematoidologist the other day and he told me the gluten free thing makes sense because of my blood work. I guess they tested my wheat tolerance...or something...and he said it was a 9.5 out of 10 meaning I definately have an issue with it. The thing that gets me, is that when they called with my test results a couple of months ago, they said nothing about the wheat thing, only that I was a little low on vitamin D. Why wouldn't they tell me about the wheat thing!

The hubby had surgery in the beginning of December. It was nothing serious, but was home from work for a week. It was a long week...haha! It was good having him home for a bit, but that messes with our schedule. Plus, he wasn't allowed to lift the boys for that week so that made things a little harder on mommy :)

Jamie is a very active 3 year old! I wish he could give me some of that energy once and a while. This child is so incredibly smart! I know parents say that all the time, but really, this kid is amazing. I can't believe that he will be 4 this fall and will be going to preschool....I know, I know, I still have 9 months, but I have a feeling that it will fly by! He is such a good big brother. He may get irratated with Oliver, but come on, it is what brothers do! In Jamie's defense, it is Oliver that starts it :) Jamie is also growing so fast. I look at his 2 year pics and get sad because he actually looked like a little kid! He has grown up so much in the past year. He is wearing all 4T and 5T things and his shoe size is 11! I bought him winter boots the other day (we just got snow that actually stuck around yesterday) and got size 1. I want them to fit next winter also. Winter boots are crazy though. Size 1 is huge, but they have so much padding inside that I'm sure when he gets to size 1, they probably won't fit. Jamie has thick feet also.

Oliver, well, he is my little man. He has one of the best smiles ever. He is definately stubborn and has a temper. When he gets mad, he will let you know! We keep telling him to be nice and not to hit, but he is only 15 months old. I am hoping it will settle in soon. He is growing like a weed, he is 32 1/2 inches tall! I think it is so amazing to watch kids learn new things. The smile on Oliver's face when he does something new....oh man, I love it! He knows that he did something new and he is so proud.

Ok, so I'm addicted to the show on Lifetime called One Born Every Minute. It is on right now and I love it. The one bad thing, it makes me want another baby. Jamie keeps telling me that he wants a pink baby!

1 comment:

  1. Go you for quitting your job! I'm anxious to read how you do with the gluten free thing...we might have to do the same for our Hanna. Test results come back soon!
