Friday, July 20, 2012

Therapy Update

Therapy has been going well.  He likes going and today he was very happy in the waiting room.  He kept saying "ball" because there are very big balls that he gets to play with!  We are still doing the brushing thing at home.  I don't really see a whole lot of changes, but it is early.  I have to admit, I have been getting very impatient with everything.  I just wish that he would talk instead of the whining and grunting.  He says words, but most are only the first part of the word.  I can see that he wants to say things, but just can't get them out.  Maybe I am just more frustrated because I see him trying and wanting to do things and it is killing me.  I am also getting really frustrated with the whole eating thing.  I want him to eat like he used to.  I'm not sure if I mentioned it last time, but Oliver is now 22 months old and has only gained 4 pounds since his 9 month check-up!  Who knows, maybe I just need to restart things.  It has been a crazy week.  My dad and youngest brother are on their way here, that should be a nice little break!  The boys love grandpa and uncle.  I have been struggling with a lot of things lately, but this will not turn into a pitty post :)  I need to think of the positives, right?!  Oliver may have this silly sensory issue, but it is healthy!  Jamie may have his little quirks, but he is healthy!  We have a couple of trips coming up and that will be a nice break.  Ok, well I'm going to end this post.  I'm going to think of something happy or fun to post about next.  I have so many ideas, I just need to get at them!

1 comment:

  1. I know how stressful this stuff can be! :(
    I'm glad you're getting some breaks though. Like you said, the boys are healthy!! And that is all you need to know right now! :D
