Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I have been feeling a lot of guilt ever since I started my new hours at work and tonight, I felt it even more. I am very thankful that I got more hours, I now get between 20 and 24 hours a week. I work for 2 hours a night, twice a week and then from 11:30 to 3:30 (most of the times, I am home by 3:30)....but, I am gone during lunch now and when Jamie goes down for a nap. I also have something on Wednesday nights at our church....that means 3 days in a row after Jamie wakes up from his nap, it is almost time to leave again. Tonight I got home from church and put him to bed right away....I feel so bad. But why? Our family needs to me work, I want to work, but I am having such a hard time being away from them. I wanted to cry tonight....and still do. I'm not going to quit my job at all, but I just wish it wasn't so hard right now. It is hard not seeing my boys or Eric. Jamie is going through this stage where he calls/whines "mommy" all the time and that breaks my heart when I have to leave. These new hours also just came up one week. So, Jamie went from having me home all day one week, to hardly at all the next. I look forward to the weekends even more now, even though they seem to go by sooo fast. I know things will get better, but when?

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