Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm not superman

This title has a few different meanings. There is a song that we sing in Fireflies (at church), called Superman. There has been one part that I keep singing to myself, and have been for the past couple of weeks...."I'm not superman, Lord you made me the kid that I am. Thank you Lord for who I am, I don't have to be a superman." I have been learning that I cannot be superman, I cannot fix everything and I don't have to fix everything. I let something go this week that I didn't think I could do. It scared me, but then I said to the man upstairs that I am letting go. He obviously has his own plans and I have to trust that He knows best. I kept telling myself that all day and I felt a weight lifted off. I don't know how things are going to turn out, but I know He is there to keep us safe and He knows what He is doing. That is a hard thing to do. Superman is also becoming Jamie's new nickname. Like I said last time, he did something that really scared us the other week, and well, Superman is a fitting nickname. Jamie and I had an appointment with his doctor today to talk about his possible ADHD. By the way she was talking, I think she believes he has it, but since he is only 2, he won't get diagnosed yet. She is looking for a child psychologist (that is covered by our insurance) and we will set up a "play date." This person will watch Jamie play and really get a feel for what he is doing. They will also look to see if his intelligence is higher than his social age. But, when I was researching ADHD, these kids have higher IQs. Hopefully we can do this soon and get some answers and get an action plan. Anyway, this big lesson learned here this week is that I am not superman.

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