Monday, October 8, 2012

Can You Repeat That, Please?!

I went to see my doctor last week.  I still have my normal first baby appointment for next week, but I have been feeling so off.  I have been feeling pretty sick, but I know that will disappear soon....hopefully :)  On top of the sick feeling and actually getting sick, I have been extremely tired.  I can get 8-9 hours of sleep at night, but an hour after I get up, I am ready for a nap.  I have been having lots of belly pain also.  My doctor said to get some more fiber in my diet...for obvious reasons :)  Getting all the fiber you need while being gluten free is not always the easiest.  I need more water (which I think it just gross!).  When they do my blood work, they will also check my thyroid, just to make sure.  Then she had me lay down so she could feel my belly.  When she pushed on the top of my belly, under my ribs, she asked if it hurt.  I told her it did.  Now we have to keep an eye on that pain because she said it could be my gallbladder and if it stays like that, it would have to come out before the baby is born.  Seriously?!  I don't want that.  After I got home, I realized that my belly hurts there a lot, I just thought it was normal pains.  She also said to get back to my gluten free diet.  My system could be on an overload.  I am hoping that in a couple of weeks, the belly pain goes away.  I also got some new medicine for my lovely morning sickness.  I got some Zofran.  I thought it would be my new best friend, but now, it doesn't seem to do anything :(  I am only 9 weeks, I shouldn't be having all these issues...haha!  I am hoping it ends soon.  We took Jamie to gymnastics this morning, then lunch (gotta love coupons), and then Target quick.  I really overdid it today.  I feel like poo right now!  I have supper in the oven and I'm hoping to feel at least a little better after I eat.  I also have this 4 year old laying next to me right now talking nonstop!  He has not been a very good  boy the past couple of days.  All of that does not help my situation at all.  I noticed that when I get mad and all worked up, things hurt worse....keep it cool mama!  Well, time to finish up supper and get the little one up from nap....something the older one refused to take today :)

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