Monday, October 1, 2012

Some Thoughts

Have you ever felt judged for how you do things just by what people write on their blogs, or on the internet, or what they say?  Even if they are just talking and not saying it towards anyone?  I've been feeling that a lot lately.  I see things on blogs, or Facebook, or just people talking.  I know that they aren't talking about me, but it is just the tone that comes across.  It got me thinking....which my dad always warned me about because I might hurt myself :) 

So, you know what?!  I love butter!  That is right, I put it on almost everything.  Paula Deen would be proud of the all the butter I used to make hash browns tonight.  I am all about eating healthy, but come on.  I'm not going to get rid of everything and just live off of beans and grass.  We may have gone gluten free, but we still eat yummy foods.  Another thing, I had epidurals with both boys and definitely plan on doing it again.  Good for you if you can do it without, but me, can't do it!  If I can have some lovely drugs to take the pain away, I'm all for it.  I went 6 or 7 hours with Jamie and that was all I could do.  Oliver, that pain was so intense from the very beginning.  I loved that with Oliver, after I got that epidural, I just laid back in my bed, watched some music videos on CMT and pushed out a lovely little boy :)  My babies were formula fed.  I have nothing against breast feeding moms, but it was just a personal choice for me.  The thing that bothers me, is that you get some moms who get a little crazy and think that if you give your babies formula, then you are a bad mom.  I think that is where I feel most judged and it isn't even people saying things to me personally.  My boys are perfectly healthy.  Jamie had his fair share of ear infections but then Oliver, not a single ear infection....ever!  Oliver would drink a gallon of milk in 2 days if I let him....I've heard that supposedly, dairy causes ear infections.  Oliver also has asthma, but so do I and I was breastfed.  Something else, I love rocking my babies!  I was thinking about this the other day and how much I missed it.  I rocked Jamie to sleep til he was about 13 or 14 months old.  Oliver was much younger, but he just wanted to lay in his bed and go to sleep on his own.  I love snuggling with them.  They are only young once.  That rocking time, that was my special time with them.  It was just the two of us, we could talk.  Well, I would talk and they would stare!  Stick that pacifier in when nothing else would work, golden.  I can't wait to snuggle this new baby and rock him/her.  Now, this post isn't meant to judge or put anyone down.  I am just putting myself out there.  I know there are other moms out there like me :)  I am also a baby wearing, cloth diapering mama.  I love my Moby wrap and Ergo carrier.  But, just because I use cloth diapers, doesn't mean that it happens all the time.  I have some right now that really need to be washed and Oliver has been wearing regular diapers.  I really do prefer the cloth ones.  They cost a little more money when you first get started, but that is it.  Obviously, it is more work, but it saves us money.  And, they are pretty cute!  Most times in our house, you will find the TV on.  At night, it is me....all me!  During the day, I think it is on mostly for noise.  The boys watch some cartoons in the morning, but then they are off playing in their room, or playing downstairs and really don't pay any attention to the TV.  So why is it on?  Good question! 

So, there it is!  Hopefully some of you understand where I am coming from.  This is what works for me.  Plus, I really don't like feeling as if I'm being looked down upon.  Well, this mama needs to hit they hay!

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