Monday, October 29, 2012

A New Day

Ok, today is a new day.  I am still mad, stressed, all of the above!  But, it is a new day.  I got an awesome comment on yesterday's post.  She said to write down what I did during the day and not make a list of things that need to be done and not to care about everything else.  Great idea, right!?  So, here goes.  Today, I had an appointment with the chiropractor, came home for about 10 minutes and then left for gymnastics.  Got home from that and was home for about 15 minutes and then it was off to Oliver's therapy.  Got home, put the boys down for naps, picked up some of living room, although there are still some things that need to be put away but I was trying not to throw up pretty much the whole time.  I'm trying to figure out what to do for supper tonight.  I have pretty much no groceries in the house.  We ran out of milk this morning.  I have eggs, but Oliver won't eat those.  I found some pork chops, but we have been having those a lot lately because they are easy.  After nap, we will probably have to run to the store quick for milk and bread.  We have a store a few minutes down the road, but it is more expensive than going to Meijer.  I might stop at Jimmy Johns and get their super yummy number 13 veggie sandwhich!  Yeah, I'm suppose to be gluten free, but only certain things sound good right now and those sandwhiches seem to be what my stomach needs.  I really need to feel better soon so I can get back on my gluten free stuff.  My knees are killing me right now!  I have an update started on the boys that I hope to finish and post soon.  Now, time to relax a little bit more before the boys wake up :)


  1. Glad you had a better day!!!

    Ps: that is a whole lot accomplished even without being pregnant. Karson got food...anything else got done and it was just a bonus when I was pregnant with Ella! Even now I am going to bed with a sink full of dishes... :)

  2. Thanks Kelly :) I did go to bed with the living room dirty again! I also have the dirty dishes in the kitchen, well all over the counter. It seems like pots and pans are the worse :)

  3. My theory is dishes and laundry multiply while I am not looking. :)
