Sunday, October 28, 2012


I will apologize now, but I need to rant.  I really, really hate that my house is a disaster right now, I hate that I don't have any help, I hate that I feel so alone, it bothers the crap out of me that I am so sick and can't clean my house like I want to, I hate that I feel like because I am the mom/wife that it is my job to do everything, I hate crying all the time.  I wish that my stomach didn't hurt whenever I bent over or that bending over wouldn't make me throw up.  Why am I being such a baby?  Why can't I do this??  Why can't someone actually pick-up around the house.  I feel like I have to put myself last, as long as everyone else is happy.  We need groceries, but when it is nap time and only me here, that isn't going to happen.  I want to snap my fingers and have my house clean, laundry done and put away, dishes done.  Some people just don't understand how awful I feel.  Being pregnant is one of those funny things, you never know how you are going to feel.  For me, it keeps getting worse.  Oh knows, maybe I am being a big wimp and should just suck it up, take care of everything and not worry about anything else.  One more thing.  Why is it so hard to throw something away when you are done?!  For example, mac and cheese is made, why must the box and the cheese bag stay on the counter!?  Ok, I think I am done now :)

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you feel so sick! I remember being so sick with Karson. Ellary was a lot better, I was miserable in different ways, but I wasn't throwing up for nine months. Give yourself a break...relax. :) Someone told me when I was having a hard time when Ellary was born to write down all you accomplish in a day instead of writing down a to do list. And remember, growing a baby and raising 2 boys is a HUGE accomplishment, even if the dishes don't get done.

    Have you tried homemade ginger ale? I used to carry it around with me everywhere I went when I was pregnant with Ellary. I used it to help with reflux, but it is supposed to help with feeling sick too. I used Christy's recipe here:

    Hope you feel better...praying for you!!
